Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bad Kitty

Massey has been quite the entertainment since she showed up here at the farm.

She is probably the most spoiled barn cat there ever was.
After spending her first couple nights on an old jacket she found, I decided she needed a bed.
My husband and father-in-law both said some straw would be sufficient.
Not for my furbaby child it's not.
So we started with a simple bed.
And then we upgraded to the Snookified leopard/zebra Dome bed.
Because Miss Thang likes to stay warm in style.
In other Massey news ... she's probably already been through about eight of her nine lives.
That green piece of equipment is a turf rake.
You hook it up to a tractor and pull it over stony fields to get the rocks out.
It has little tines that scoop up the rocks and then they collect in a big bin that you dump once it's full.

This crazy cat thinks it's her playground.
She plays on the tines until she falls through to the big bin.
It's only about a five-foot drop, but it's impossible for her to get out at that point. 
I have found her there, stranded, several times.
I have to throw a sweatshirt down, get her to latch on with her lethal claws and then slowly lift her out.
Other times, I catch her playing on the little tines just about to fall through.
As you can tell by the surprise in my voice, this was the first time I caught her on there...
((For some reason the right half of my videos get cut off no matter how I size them. Sorry!))

And now it seems to be a game for her.

And for the record, she still claws her way up my leg ... even when I'm standing.
Feels awesome. 

Did her hear her motor running at :23-:24?
Girlfriend is loud when she turns that purr on.

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